2012년 11월 9일 금요일

Trader Joe's Grocery Shopping Review

YEAH PAYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard a lot of good things about trader joe's. 
So I decided to go grocery shopping at TRADER JOE'S!

Things that I bought :
Banana Chips, Chestnuts, Walkers Butter Shortbread, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Light Coconut Milk, this fig walks into a bar cereal bar, Kung Pao, Pad Thai, Sweet Potatoes, Granola Snack, Dark Chocolate Almond bits, English Breakfast

I didn't try yet !!!! but I hope it is good because I heard that this one is better than other dried bananas.

I made some soft bread with this coconut milk. It was so delicious. I will post asap...
So good....

I just needed olive oil because olive oil is good for your health you know...right..?

This shortbread cookie with tea feels like holiday everyday

I like chestnuts in Korea so I missed chestnuts so much...that's why I got this. it wasn't that bad but I prefer Korean ones.

Seriously Great For Snack!!!!!!!!!! Feels healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know it really is but feels like that !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love thai food. I will try this one and post a review soon.

This one too.

Stressed out? Eat some chocolate... with Almond 

I am not a coffee person. 

I've tried Apple flavor of this and I totally liked it so I bought this one to try out.
And I ate this today, it was good as apple one.

I miss Korean sweet potatoes...Hope this one fulfills me...

How can this be bad!!! this contains butter dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Bye See you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2012년 11월 8일 목요일

Freaking Hot Spicy Cheese Chicken [치즈불닭]

Hi Y'all !

Today I am going to show you how to make Freaking Deaking Spicy Chicken Breast with Mozzarella Cheese.

* Ingredients : Chicken breast 300g, Onion 1, Jalapeno Pepper 1, 8 Finger sized Rice Cake you can find at Korean grocery store, sliced Mozzarella Cheese, 1/2 tsp Grounded Black pepper, 1tsp salt 

* Sauce : 2 Tbs Red pepper paste, 3 Tbs Red pepper flake, 1 Tbs Minced Garlic, 1 Tbs Soy sauce, 1 Tbs sugar, 1 Tbs Corn Syrup, 1/2 Minced Onion (if you are lazy don't do it), 1 Chopped Jalapeno

1. Dice the Chicken breasts and season with pepper and salt. 

2. Put finger sized rice cakes into the water for about 10 minutes.
    Boil rice cakes about 2-3 min in the boiling hot water.

3. Mix all the Sauce ingredients and put some chopped green onions if you want to.

4. Put seasoned Chicken into the sauce.

5. Spread the cheese all over the plate because I love cheese ~

6. Put the chicken into the pan.

7. If the chicken is 3/4 cooked put the rice cake on the top or wherever you want it to be.

8. Put the cheese on the top of the chicken when it's all done. It will naturally melt.

Be careful it's So HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I can't resist it..........

2012년 10월 2일 화요일

My one month experience as an Au Pair in USA

Today I want to post about Au Pair program in USA
I became as an Au Pair just one month ago :)
                               Time flies!! can't believe that time went this fast.

This month I was so busy because I did so many things to adapt in this life style.
For example, 
1. Got Social Security Number

To get SSN you have to arrange an appointment at local SSN office.
I recommend going SSN office with host parents. Because at the SSN office they will give you some questions but not that hard. 
The time when you get SSN is 14 days after arriving at US

2. Found class to attend 

I was having big trouble with finding appropriate class. 
First, I tried to go to Community College near by my house but since I am not the citizen it was really expensive ! for instance earning 3 credit for Spanish class was over $1,000 just because I am international student. Well.. my host family pays $500 education fee per year but it is still expensive for me to get just 3 credits because I have to earn 6 credits in Au Pair program. 
Second, usually adult class starts at night time. However, my available time to go to class is during the day. So I couldn't find available class for me.

But I didn't stop finding my class because I don't wanted to waste my time doing nothing in the house during the day. So I googled and googled and googled for my class and asked my Au Pair friends. And they told me about "Adult School". So I searched about adult schools in my area. Finally I found my ESL class in "Twin Rivers Adult School" ( Click to Link ) About the fee compared to Community College it is way cheaper. It costs $100 per semester. ESL class is on Mon-Fri morning time for 2 hours. Isn't it worth it? :)

3. Registered Tea Kwon Do class for fun 

Except ESL class I wanted to have some fun so I searched about photography classes, gymnastics classes, art classes but I couldn't find the fitting class for me. 
I've never thought about learning Taekwondo. However my Korean aupair friend in San Rafael recommended me to learn Taekwondo. So I googled again and I finally got into the class this Monday :) Taekwondo class is on Mon, Wed, Fri (45 min a day) $139 per month. Robinson Teakwondo

4. Meeting other Au Pairs  in this area (Sacramento)

Since I was new in this area I didn't have friends. So I attend aupair meetings for getting know each other. That helped a lot to make new friends. It is easy to contact to your local aupairs with Facebook Group Page search about your local aupair group.

5. Finding adaptable church for me

My host family was new to the area either like me and they are also a christian like me so now we are finding right church for us.
We tried Grace Bible Church, Davis Korean Church, Bayside Church, Heron Church etc 
In my opinion Bayside Church was quite awesome :)

6. Getting driver's License in US

If you have international driver's license you will be able to get US license not that hard.
Because that means you already practiced a lot in your country.
To get CA driver's License you have to arrange appointment at DMV office by phone or online. There will be written test on your first appointment be prepared by doing sample test on DMV site. After passing that test you'll be able to arrange second appointment with DMV for behind the wheel test. If you pass the test you will get a temporary paper that you can drive. After few weeks they will send you driver's license :)

7. Arranging work schedule with host family

In first month you have to talk a lot with host family about every single things about caring kids, payment, car, grocery... like really everything so be prepared for conversations.

8. Getting used to drive in US

It will be kinda different from your own country. But it is not that hard so just be careful always especially at the freeway.

9. Spend precious time with host family 

With host family I spend a lot of precious times. We went to Circus, go out to eat, Park, San Jose, Mall etc. That made us more closer :)

10. Travel to San Francisco

My first travel to SF was awesome. The weather was clear to see Golden Gate Bridge. It was not that windy. I finished my travel with Sean Paul concert !!